Sunday, December 29, 2019

Week 16 Auckland NZ: The Deepest Disappointments Contrast the Greatest Joys

Kia Ora 朋友和家庭 !

Honestly, this week was tough. 

I find it a little humorous that the other week I told you about Cacerlyn and Kewell, out of all of the people we were teaching. My fear has been realized and they actually dropped us this week- meaning they gave us a nice text telling us they didn't want to meet with us anymore, at least not to learn about the gospel. 

Let me tell you all- I don't think I have been as disappointed and as sad as that text made me, in a very very long time.  I get that you all might be reading this and thinking I should not have had my hopes up. People find missionaries weird, accepting this gospel is hard, not everyone will choose to learn more. I know those things realistically- but as a missionary its also my job to look past those things and have faith and hope that the people we are meeting with will want to learn more, and through their own experiences, by doing what we invite them to do, they will grow to know that Jesus Christ is real, and these teachings are true. If we as missionaries do not interact with them holding onto that faith, there is no way for us to help them. We need to believe that people will listen despite all the reasons not to. I believe that faith brings miracles, and brings about God's work- but people can still choose for themselves.

That is why it was disappointing for them to drop us, because they were receptive and wonderful and I could just picture how much joy this gospel could bring them, yet they do not want to keep learning and progressing right now. 

So, that was a big emotional blow. That was also a big spiritual blow. We haven't been able to get any appointments this week- nobody seems to want to listen. It made me re-question what my impact here is. 

But we pressed forward, and I've been feeling really blessed.

Positives this week:
  • On Christmas Eve we went caroling, then went to a member's house to eat dinner. This member happened to live on a farm outside of the mission (we went with permission) in Hamilton and it was awesome! And we saw a lot of SHEEP!!
  • We were able to talk with a lot of Asian people on the street in the city on Christmas.  Most of the Kiwis were at home, but most of the people from Asia went out to shop, so it made our job to find Chinese speakers to talk to a little easier. 
  • Our District Leader is awesome and we did a few district prayers over the phone a couple times this week to end the night.
  • We got WENDY'S. It's always a treat to eat out, and to eat beef, which is not a staple food item in our flat.
  • On Boxing Day we were able to go to a BBQ with our Branch, and, man! Do Chinese people know how to cook meat! It was delicious and super fun to see the branch members in their natural environment.
  • Me and my companion had a good talk about the Chinese language and how hard it is, and what I can do to continue learning without getting frustrated. We made a study plan, so I'm feeling a little better (I'm progressing poco a poco).
  • I LOVE my companion, Sister Rich or Ren Jiemei/任姐妹. I honestly am so happy to be friends and companions with her! She's a party, but we also work hard, so it's a good mix. (Picture below from today: Sister Young/Yang Jiemei, Me, Sister Rich/Ren Jiemei, Sister Sparrow/Sun Jiemei)
  • A person the Elders were teaching, Rock, just got baptized! 
  • After my super hard week, we went yesterday to hit some past potentials that hadn't been contacted in awhile, and some referrals that we got from English Missionaries.  (It's always so nice when they meet Chinese people and send them over- so just the fact we had referrals was awesome). Almost every single person we talked to yesterday was keen. That was a huge miracle, especially after what felt like a week of only rejection. It honestly made it all worth it. This is what missionary work is about.

Food Review:  Turkish Delight

Chocolate covered gummy- the gummy tasted like it was Lychee flavored or something, but not quite sure. The other Chinese sisters hated it.  Ren JM (mission writing shortcut for Ren Jiemei!) thought it was fire. I really like chewy foods, and chocolate, so it's a pretty big win.

Simple Truth:
Without sadness, there can't be happiness.

2 Nephi 2:11"For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my firstborn in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility."

If there were no light, the absence of light, or in other words, darkness, would not exist. As I've really experienced this week, we are only able to have joy and to be grateful for it, if we have and understand sadness. This is not to make us suffer, but to allow us to know happiness. I'm grateful to be able to go through my trials and learn from them, and to feel the joy that comes from this life.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and will continue to have a Happy New Year! Be Safe!

Much love,
Sister Martinez

PHOTO: Ren JM's wonderful mother sent her Fruity Pebbles (her fav), so she shared with me and we had a cereal party (WOOH).

PHOTO: At the war tunnels this morning. North Head Historic Reserve lies across the bay from Auckland city.  We did a walking tour of the abandoned military tunnel complex.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Message

Kia Ora everyone! Merry Christmas from down under!

As a missionary I've found a lot more meaning in Christmas.

In the MTC our Mission President told us about his experience as a child. His two favorite days of the year were His Birthday, and Christmas! He loved His Birthday because people would just let him do what he loved and leave him be for a day. But, he also loved Christmas because he found joy in giving. He expressed to us a conundrum he would have when someone asked what his favorite day of the year was- he liked both his Birthday and Christmas, but he liked them for very different reasons. They weren't comparable to him. One day is focused on him, which brings him happiness, but the other is focused on Christ and giving,  which brings him great joy. 

President LeSoeure told us that our missions are hard. That's because sometimes we want it to be our birthday, we want to have more time to focus on ourselves- but this mission I'm on isn't about me. This year and a half- I've consecrated it to the Lord. Its Christmas everyday for the next 15 months. I'm here to give the blessings of knowing of our Lord Jesus Christ to those here who didn't have the same chance to be born into this gospel. 

As people living their own lives on the path of discipleship, I invite you all this next month- especially after the Christmas Spirit has died down- to pay special attention to those around you. Make a little part of everyday Christmas.

Consecrate just a bit of your time to do nothing but give, for our Lord Jesus Christ gave everything on our behalf. 

I'm so grateful for him and his sacrifice and I hope you all can find more joy and meaning in your lives as you look outward and come unto Christ. He really is the true light in this ever-darkening world. 

I know only through Him can we find everlasting joy, and through Him we can also find happiness and purpose in our every day lives.

I bear testimony that as we look outwards, we are able to understand our own worth better and we are able to better understand the pure love of Christ for all of God's children.

I share these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Week 15 Auckland NZ: Transfer 2

Kia Ora 朋友和家庭, and Merry Christmas!!

This week was fun. However, most of the people we are teaching are in China, so there's no news about them.

BUT, we had transfers!!  It was crazy last Monday to get the call from President. We knew one of my trainers would follow up train me and the other would train the newest Sister, Sister Young. We also would for sure be in one of two areas. So basically we had few possibilities which made the assignment more suspenseful.  

We were SHOOK when President told Sister Sparrow she would be training Sister Young and White-Washing the area Sister Bennion and Sister Johnson left behind (meaning neither Sister Sparrow or Sister Young know what's going on in their assigned area).

That means that Sister Rich is currently my companion and we both stayed in the same area. [Yay!]

Other than transfers here's what my week looked like:

  • We were able to do the Haka to see off the Sisters (I don't really know it yet but I will by the time Sister Rich leaves). Then I got to see the whole Zone perform it for the missionaries leaving this transfer.
  • Since we only have 4 people in our flat now, I finally had the opportunity to move in completely! 
  • Our District and Zone is awesome!! Our District Leader is the best about being on top of things and keeping us in the loop. 
  • On top of that, we had Zone Conference this week and because it's Christmas, each district prepared a skit for the occasion. It was so fun to perform and start to get to know my District already. We've got some fun personalities in our group. 
  • AND we have a new missionary handbook-- it's not white anymore so all you RM's say goodbye to the white bible (RIP). The Missionary Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ are awesome and really focus on lifelong discipleship. It's such an exciting update for us missionaries to be able to use. 
  • We had a great Christmas program on Sunday, combined with the English-speaking Auckland City Ward. We sang twice in the program, and Wow it was awesome to have so many people at church!! We had a "linger-longer" and WOW it was a feast. SO MUCH FOOD. 
  • Then afterward we were invited to an actual fafanga, and I'm getting more used to islander food. I was stuffed. Honestly would have puked if I ate more. It's a blessing to be in the Chinese branch. 
  • We were able to do service at the Auckland City Mission Kitchen- homeless are treated pretty well there.
  • Pretty much just that most of the people we are teaching are currently in China :(
Food Review:
Dark Chocolate Kit Kats - The chocolate kinda tastes like Mexican chocolate, which I think is really good.  Quality dark chocolate- love. SCORE:  73

Simple Truth:
Christ was born humbly, the only begotten of the Father.

"And behold, he shall be born of Mary, at Jerusalem which is the land of our forefathers, she being a virgin, a precious and chosen vessel, who shall be overshadowed and conceive by the power of the Holy Ghost, and bring forth a son, yea, even the Son of God." Alma 7:10

Christs birth, having been born of God and man, qualifies him to do the humanly impossible task of the atonement. This is the birth of our Savior, that it why it is important- we we celebrate his birth. 

Merry Christmas everyone! Be safe!!

Sister Martinez

Ban and Zhang 姐妹

Monday, December 16, 2019

Week 14 Auckland, New Zealand: Cantonese is Wild

Kia Ora 朋友和家庭!

I feel really nervous about sharing about any of the people we are currently teaching.  None of them are very far along, and if they end up dropping us/things don't work out, I might have to update you-- and that would not be fun! At the same time, I love reading some emails from missionary friends about their experiences with those they're teaching!

I'm still working on time management for writing emails, among other things, too. I've found the last couple weeks, even on P-days we have a lot to do besides talking to family and writing letters. So, I'm basically still experimenting with my emails, as through them I truly want to uplift people as much as possible!

I'm going to try this week to write about a few of my experiences in more detail.

Who am I teaching?

We've been teaching a couple from China who was referred to us right as I got to the field, Cacerlyn and Kewell. They are honestly couple goals! They usually wear matching clothes when we visit. They really work hard to do what they are passionate about, including travel, food, and loving their cute cats! I feel a special love for them especially as they are my first found-and-currently-teaching-couple.

It's wild to see the difference between people who really are ready to accept Christ into their lives, and those who just aren't interested. This couple is super keen to learn more about their purpose here on Earth and God's plan for them. Last week we taught them the first lesson through and through, and rather than having concerns about our doctrine, one just asked what our church organization looked like. To us missionaries, that's something to celebrate. A lot of the people we teach have a harder time developing faith. I'm super excited to see how they continue progressing, and honestly, as we call all of those we teach 'friends', I really do consider them my friends. Since being here I've truly learned more about having unconditional love for those I've met.

Positives:  [Despite the concerns I expressed at the beginning of this email I actually have found so much joy and freedom from distress here!!]

  • Our branch had a Christmas Activity and it was awesome! I sung in 3 songs-- there was a number with a traditional Chinese flute, which was cool; there was a cool photo booth and I tried on literally all of the clothes to take pictures with different people; and there was food. It was just done so well and I really felt for the first time like it was Christmas.
  • Me and Sister Rich as Wise Women- hah!

  • Pahutakawa Trees (New Zealand's Christmas Trees!)  :)

  • We taught some ants about Jesus's plan for them
  • People wearing pajamas at 3pm, but still wearing makeup and/or having their hair done up inspires me beyond belief! (New Zealand's nap-time is 2p-4p, especially since a lot of people end work by that time)
  • We had been teaching a woman named Peu Sum (spelling questionable) who ONLY speaks Cantonese. She doesn't understand Mandarin, and the only thing she really says in English is "I liking looking" when we show her the Book of Mormon videos. We were able to video call a member here in Auckland who just recently got back from a Cantonese-speaking mission, and they were able to tell her why we keep visiting her and showing her videos.  That was cool! Cantonese sounds wack, but also it's cool to see how it still is Chinese. Apparently she doesn't really care to 'choose a church', she just likes nice people- which is good, but also she probably won't feel a need to continue meeting with us to progress further, which is sad. We are going to try and invite her to church, so we'll see.
  • For P-Day today we went to the Whatipu beach, and then we went and had Korean BBQ with our district.  It was SO good!  Wow. I rarely have eaten beef here, and I miss it.  So that was a good opportunity to eat bulgogi and another beef. I also had deokbokki, among other things. SO GOOD.

  • Sister Bennion and Sister Johnson are leaving tomorrow!! I never got a chance to be their companions, but I love them!! I'm also very excited for them to go on with their lives, so it's bittersweet.
  • Sister Bennion and Sister Johnson during morning exercise excursion <3
  • I really wanted our 'friends' to come to our Christmas event, and they were busy, so that was honestly SO SAD. I just love them so much, so it really ended up being disappointing.  But, also my expectations shouldn't be that high, and they'll have more opportunities to come to activities.
Food Review:  All these got the same rating - I would recommend each for different situations/tastes
  • Rock Bread (Sister Johnson ♡):  Super good textured sweet bread, RATING: 70
  • Grilled Pepper Steak Limited Edition Bluebird Potato Chips:  Tastes like meat!! Much more accurate than Lays has ever been. Kinda like jerky (I miss steak), RATING: 70
  • Grilled Chicken Lime & Chili Limited Edition Bluebird Potato Chips:  Less chicken flavor, more lime and chili.  Super yummy!  RATING: 70

Bluebird Limited Edition Potato Chips

Simple truth: (I honestly never remember what I've already done so sorry if I repeat something- it's true no matter how many times I say it c: )

God knows us and our struggles and he always provides when we come unto Him!

3 Nephi 13: 31-33
"Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you"

This scripture really comforted me at the MTC, as I was still worried about the money I had earned before I left, about my family's welfare, about friend's etc.. Christ tells us here that we have no need to worry for those simple needs- God knows of our needs and he provides as we come closer to him. As I serve him I can have confidence he will take care of all other temporal needs- he will do the same for you!

Much love!
馬姐妹Sister Martinez

Christmas video!

Missionaries in the Chinese Branch
 Beach this morning (I wrote my name in the sand :))

I would love to hear from you!

Monday, December 9, 2019

12/09/19 Email from "White Island Volcanic Eruption"

Dear Parents, Stake Presidents, Mission Presidents, Bishops, and Branch Presidents,

This is a brief note to let you know that White Island, where the volcanic eruption occured in New Zealand on 9 December 2019, is more than 130 miles south of the most southern boundary of the New Zealand Auckland Mission.  None of the missionaries in the New Zealand Auckland mission are located anywhere near White Island.  All the missionaries in the New Zealand Auckland Mission are safe.

We love your missionaries and will continue to do everything in our power to keep them safe. We appreciate the constant love and support you show your missionaries.


President J. Alan Walker

New Zealand Auckland Mission

Week 13: Auckland NZ is GORGEOUS!

Kia Ora 朋友和家庭!

This week was interesting!  I have less time to write today, but here is a little bit:

  • So many kind and cute dogs
  • Exchanges with the STLS- I was with Sister Rich and Sister Miller. We were able to have a little taste of how life is in the English program in Glen Innes (East Auckland). The Islanders are so receptive to the gospel! It was very interesting.
  • And again, I am so grateful for my nice flat.
  • I've had so many days where I've contacted people, who might not necessarily be interested in hearing more at this time, but I felt like we had a nice connection and I really felt a Christ-like love for them
  • We have the opportunity this week to participate in multiple musical numbers: Folofola (Folofola Mai ʻa Sīsū, Hymn #27 in the Tongan Hymnal) for Zone conference, Carol of the Bells, and What Child Is this? for our Branch's Christmas activity.
  • One of the other Sisters' friends accepted baptism! It was beautiful to see how excited and happy she was.
  • We made 3 different desserts for that baptism about 20 minutes before bed.  It was wild how much we were zooming around our little kitchen.
  • We contact people and I'm able to use a little Japanese and Spanish on the street.  Usually I just stick with saying "Church of Jesus Christ..." in their language and give them our website, but I love it so much.
 Chen's baptism!

Downs:  I just always feel busy! There is now downtime.  But it's also really fulfilling and joyful, so I think I just need to mentally organize myself better.

Food Rating: Hokey Pokey - Crunchy chocolate bar (has honey bits in it), Score: 44
Simple Truth: 
We continue progressing after this life Alma 11:
42 Now, there is a death which is called a temporal death; and the death of Christ shall loose the bands of this temporal death, that all shall be raised from this temporal death.
43 The spirit and the body shall be reunited again in its perfect form; both limb and joint shall be restored to its proper frame, even as we now are at this time; and we shall be brought to stand before God, knowing even as we know now, and have a bright recollection of all our guilt.
44 Now, this restoration shall come to all, both old and young, both bond and free, both male and female, both the wicked and the righteous; and even there shall not so much as a hair of their heads be lost; but every thing shall be restored to its perfect frame, as it is now, or in the body, and shall be brought and be arraigned before the bar of Christ the Son, and God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, which is one Eternal God, to be judged according to their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil.
Much love!
馬姐妹Sister Martinez

NZ is gorgeous!

Classic Kiwi breakfast

Fish dumplings for lunch.

P-Day Art Gallery Visit!

Monday, December 2, 2019

Week 12 Auckland NZ: Hǎo bù hǎo = Good not good?

Kia ora 朋友和家庭!

Hǎo bù hǎo = Good not good? 
We've heard many Chinese mothers use Hǎo bù hǎo to tell their kids to do something in kind of a passive aggressive way- it's definitely a command, but the hǎo bù hǎo at the end makes it seem like an option. It's been our favorite phrase to use as of late.

This week was pretty normal- door-knocking, contacting, appointments. Not that I've got all that down already or anything, but I figure I'll be sharing little stories and observations along the mission.

I did have the opportunity to go out to lunch with a couple from my home ward which was such a treat! I am so grateful for the William's inviting us out- it was so nice to see a familiar face. (See photo in previous post)

And we celebrated Thanksgiving as a flat! It's not a holiday here, so we made food for lunch- ham, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots. It was delicious!

Otherwise it's just been getting down to the business of missionary work.  One day we were door-knocking and Sister Richard asked if someone had an English Book of Mormon.  After giving her the one I had on me, we played "ask a question and the Book of Mormon will  have an answer" (title still pending but basically we played fortune-teller with the Book of Mormon). So we went about and asked questions of the heart.  What Sister Rich would do is thumb past the pages, and we'd tell her when to stop- tell her 1,2,3, or 4 (which column she's reading from), and then she'd give us verse options and we'd choose. Then that verse would be the answer to our question! Most of them were pretty legit, but once Sister Rich asked if we would find a new person to teach through tracting that day, and she turned to Alma 11:29: "And he answered, No." Basically no room for interpretation. We went home without any new people that day! (ahhaha)

But on a real note, through reading the Book of Mormon consistently and praying about it, I know it holds answers to our questions and the words in it are true! You could try that game if you'd like, too.

The Elders in our district gave us extra food (lots are expired, but still appreciated)!

Food Rating:
Weet-Bix:  More versatile than normal cereal, 
Score: 79 (original impression), 63 (updated with new foods in mind ha)

Simple Truth:
God provides for His Children
1 Nephi 17:3
"And thus we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled. And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them; wherefore, he did provide means for us..."
I learned this as I was preparing for my mission. I needed to work to earn money to serve.  The Lord provided the means for me to earn some money before I left. It wasn't a lot, and it wasn't easy, but I knew he gave me many opportunities in order to allow me to serve. I know if you have clear and righteous intentions, God will provide a way to help you all succeed!

Much love!
Sister Martinez

The Church came out with a new Christmas video- I recommend  checking it out!


Mission Address- mail comes pretty slow, just a heads up:
PO Box 33-840
Takapuna 0740
New Zealand

7A Auburn Street
Takapuna 0622
New Zealand